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  • 作者:超级管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-07-02
  • 点击:748

       答:工业废水(industrial wastewater )包括生产废水、生产污水及冷却水,是指工业生产过程中产生的废水和废液,其中含有随水流失的工业生产用料、中间产物、副产品以及生产过程中产生的污染物。工业废水种类繁多,成分复杂。例如电解盐工业废水中含有汞,重金属冶炼工业废水含铅、镉等各种金属,电镀工业废水中含氰化物和铬等各种重金属,石油炼制工业废水中含酚,农药制造工业废水中含各种农药等。由于工业废水中常含有多种有毒物质,污染环境对人类健康有很大危害,因此要开发综合利用,化害为利,并根据废水中污染物成分和浓度,采取相应的净化措施进行处置后,才可排放。



  自然界三大公害:生活废水 浑浊空气 工业噪音!







  Answer: industrial wastewater includes production wastewater, production sewage and cooling water, which refers to the wastewater and waste liquid generated in the process of industrial production, including industrial production materials, intermediates, by-products and pollutants generated in the production process. Industrial wastewater has a wide variety and complex components. For example, the wastewater of electrolytic salt industry contains mercury, the wastewater of heavy metal smelting industry contains various metals such as lead and cadmium, the wastewater of electroplating industry contains various heavy metals such as cyanide and chromium, the wastewater of petroleum refining industry contains phenols, and the wastewater of pesticide manufacturing industry contains various pesticides. As industrial wastewater often contains a variety of toxic substances, polluting the environment is very harmful to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to develop comprehensive utilization, turn harm into benefit, and take corresponding purification measures according to the composition and concentration of pollutants in the wastewater before discharge.

  What are the industrial wastewater

  Industrial wastewater refers to the wastewater, sewage and waste liquid produced in the process of industrial production, which contains industrial production materials, intermediates and products lost with water, as well as pollutants produced in the production process. With the rapid development of industry, the types and quantity of wastewater are increasing rapidly, and the pollution to water bodies is becoming increasingly widespread and serious, threatening human health and safety. Therefore, for environmental protection, the treatment of industrial wastewater is more important than the treatment of urban sewage.

  Three major public hazards in nature: domestic wastewater, turbid air, industrial noise!

  Classification of industrial wastewater

  The first is classified according to the chemical properties of the main pollutants contained in industrial wastewater. Inorganic wastewater mainly contains inorganic pollutants and organic wastewater mainly contains organic pollutants. For example, electroplating wastewater and mineral processing wastewater are inorganic wastewater, food or oil processing wastewater is organic wastewater, and printing and dyeing industry production process is mixed wastewater. Wastewater discharged from different industries contains different components.

  The second is classified according to the products and processing objects of industrial enterprises, such as metallurgical wastewater, papermaking wastewater, coking gas wastewater, metal pickling wastewater, chemical fertilizer wastewater, textile printing and dyeing wastewater, dye wastewater, tanning wastewater, pesticide wastewater, power station wastewater, etc.

  The third is classified according to the main components of pollutants contained in wastewater, such as acidic wastewater, alkaline wastewater, cyanide wastewater, chromium wastewater, cadmium wastewater, mercury wastewater, phenol wastewater, aldehyde wastewater, oil-bearing wastewater, sulfur-containing wastewater, organic phosphorus wastewater and radioactive wastewater.

  The first two classifications do not involve the main components of pollutants contained in wastewater, nor can they indicate the harmfulness of wastewater.

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