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  • 作者:超级管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-07-04
  • 点击:1381


























  1) 物理法:利用物理作用处理、分离和回收废水中的污染物。例如沉淀法(重力分离法)除去水中相对密度大于1的悬浮物; 过滤法(滤网 沙层 活性碳)可除去水中的悬浮物;蒸发法用于浓缩废水中不挥发性和可溶性物质,另外还有离心分离法、汽浮(浮选)法、 高梯度磁分离法等。


  3) 物理化学法:吸附法、离子交换法、萃取法、膜析法、蒸发法。


  5) 污泥土地处理法:用于**质处理。污水灌溉,慢速下渗,快速下渗就要通过污水处理厂进行处理,然后在循环使用,用来冲厕所等用。

  Answer: six steps of domestic sewage treatment

  Sewage treatment process 1: the wastewater flows to the flocculation sedimentation tank after passing through the grid and screen first. In order to make the treatment effect better, coagulants are added to the flocculation sedimentation tank to make the treatment effect of suspended solids in the wastewater better. Coagulant dosing also plays a role in regulating the wastewater The wastewater after flocculation and sedimentation flows into the pre aeration regulating tank.

  Sewage treatment process 2: air is introduced into the aeration regulating tank to play the role of pre aeration regulation The evenly regulated wastewater is pumped into the primary floating filler biochemical tank.

  Sewage treatment process 3: the aeration head with high oxygenation efficiency is assembled in the biochemical tank and loaded with floating filler. Practice has proved that this technology has high removal efficiency for COD and BOD. The wastewater in the primary floating filler biochemical tank flows into the secondary floating filler biochemical tank by itself, and the methods used in the secondary tank are the same.

  Sewage treatment process 4: the water of the secondary floating filler biochemical tank flows into the inclined plate sedimentation tank by itself Adding polypropylene honeycomb inclined pipe into the pool can greatly improve the sedimentation efficiency. In addition, it has high hydraulic load, short residence time and small total area.

  Sewage treatment process 5: the sludge precipitated in the coagulation sedimentation tank and inclined plate sedimentation tank is discharged into the sludge thickener, and then dewatered by the sludge dewatering machine.

  Sewage treatment process 6: the water discharged from the inclined plate sedimentation tank flows into the clean water tank and is discharged after detection.

  Sewage treatment can be divided into primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment according to the degree of treatment.

  ① The primary treatment is mainly to remove the suspended solid substances in the sewage, which is commonly used by physical methods.

  ② The main task of the secondary treatment is to greatly remove the organic matter in the sewage, and the BOD removal rate is 80% - 90%.

  ③ The purpose of tertiary treatment is to further remove some special pollutants, such as fluoride and phosphorus removal. It belongs to deep treatment and is commonly used by chemical methods.

  Treatment method:

  1. By function: according to its function, sewage treatment can be divided into physical method, biological method and chemical method.

  (1) Physical method: it mainly uses physical action to separate insoluble substances in sewage, and does not change chemical properties during treatment. Commonly used are gravity separation, centrifugal separation, reverse osmosis, air flotation, etc. Physical treatment of structures is relatively simple and economical. It is used in villages and towns with large water capacity, strong self purification capacity and low requirements for sewage treatment.

  (2) Biological method: using the metabolic function of microorganisms, decompose and oxidize the dissolved or colloidal organic matter in the sewage into stable inorganic substances, so that the sewage can be purified. Activated sludge process and biofilm process are commonly used. The treatment degree of biological method is higher than that of physical method.

  (3) Chemical method: it is a method that uses chemical reaction to treat or recover dissolved substances or colloidal substances in sewage, which is mostly used in industrial wastewater. Commonly used are coagulation method, Zhonghe method, oxidation-reduction method, ion exchange method, etc. The chemical treatment method has good treatment effect and high cost. It is mostly used as the effluent after biochemical treatment for further treatment to improve the effluent quality.

  2. According to the degree of treatment: sewage treatment can be divided into primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment according to the degree of treatment.

  (1) The primary treatment is mainly to remove the suspended solid substances in the sewage, which is commonly used by physical methods.

  (2) The main task of the secondary treatment is to greatly remove the colloidal and dissolved organic matter in the sewage, and the BOD removal rate is 80% - 90%.

  (3) The purpose of tertiary treatment is to further remove some special pollutants, such as fluoride and phosphorus removal. It belongs to advanced treatment, and chemical methods are commonly used.

  Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - sewage treatment

  Centralized method of sewage treatment:

  The first kind of sewage that can be directly used can be directly treated by families, such as rice washing water, vegetable washing water, clothes washing water and other domestic water. Rice washing water and vegetable washing water can be directly used to water flowers and vegetables. The water for washing clothes can be used to flush the toilet.

  The second method that cannot be directly used is the following:

  1) Physical method: use physical action to treat, separate and recover pollutants in wastewater. For example, sedimentation method (gravity separation method) removes suspended solids with a relative density greater than 1 in water; Filtration method (activated carbon in filter screen sand layer) can remove suspended solids in water; Evaporation method is used to concentrate nonvolatile and soluble substances in wastewater. In addition, centrifugal separation method, steam flotation (flotation) method, high gradient magnetic separation method, etc.

  2) Chemical method: use chemical reaction or physical and chemical action to treat and recover soluble waste or colloidal substances. For example, neutralization method is used to neutralize acidic or alkaline wastewater; Extraction method uses the "distribution" of different solubility of soluble waste in two-phase interaction to recover phenols and heavy metals; Oxidation reduction method is used to remove reducing or oxidizing pollutants in wastewater and kill pathogenic bacteria in natural water. In addition, there are coagulation method and chemical precipitation method.

  3) Physical and chemical methods: adsorption method, ion exchange method, extraction method, membrane analysis method, evaporation method.

  4) Biological method: use the biochemical action of microorganisms to treat organic pollutants in wastewater. For example, biological filtration method and activated sludge method are used to treat domestic sewage or organic production wastewater, so that organic matter can be transformed and degraded into inorganic salts and purified. There are also biofilm method and biological pond method.

  5) Sludge land treatment method: used for organic matter treatment. Sewage irrigation, slow infiltration, fast infiltration is to be treated through the sewage treatment plant, and then recycled for toilet flushing, etc.

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