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  • 作者:超级管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-06-24
  • 点击:1728








1、使泵或风机的流量恒大于QK。如果系统中所需要的流量小于QK时,可装设再循环管或自动排出阀门,使风机的排出流量恒大于QK. ;





  1. 听


  2. 看

  观测通风机出口的压力和流量。通风机在稳定工况下运行时,其出口压力和进口流量的变化不大,也有规律,且所测的数据在平均值附近摆动,变动的幅度很小;当接近进入喘振工况时,二者变化都很大 。

  观测机体和轴承的振动情况。当接近进入喘振工况时,风机轴承座将发生强烈的振动,出口管道也会出现强烈的振动 。


  1. 风机选型时,其性能要在高效区内。


  为此,在风机设计和选型中,要避免工况范围接近进入喘振区。例如 , 在循环流化床风机的选型中,一般设计院给出两个参数点TB、BMCR。TB是锅炉大负荷点,BMCR点为设计运行点,TB点的性能取BMCR点的15%~30%。在选型中二者必须都要考虑,使风机既能在BMCR点进入稳定工况区运行,又可达到TB点。


  2. 风机在系统运行中一旦发生喘振,还可以通过改变风机转速的方法来调整工况范围。

  离心通风机可以改变叶轮直径,轴流通风机可以改变动叶安装角,这些方法都可以使通风机的性能曲线向小流量区域移动 , 这时喘振临界线也就相应地向小流量区域移动,这同样也可以扩大通风机的稳定工况范围 。

  3. 由于某些工作场合均不具备上述调节条件,也不能停车而影响生产,所以还有一种简单快捷的调节方法也可消除喘振,这就是加设放气阀。

  以使Q=Q放 +Q喘振 >Qmin,就马上可以消除喘振。但必须得指出放入大气的气体应是无害气体,若是有害气体就必须得由小管道引入通风机进口管道中。这种方法的缺点是,会将经过叶轮获得的动量白白放掉一部分,从而使风机整体效率下降。但因其方法简单且*,在通风机调节中被广泛地应用 。

  4. 两阀操作法。


  5. 防喘振环。










  A: Fan surge, just as the name suggests, is like human asthma. The fan has periodic air outlet and backflow. Relatively speaking, axial flow fans are more prone to surge. Serious surge will lead to fatigue damage of fan blades.

  Surge of fan:

  1. Abnormal fan sound, high noise and vibration, increased casing temperature and surge of induced draft fan make furnace negative pressure fluctuate and combustion unstable.

  2. The current decreases and swings frequently, and the outlet wind pressure drops and swings.


  1. When the two fans operate in parallel, the guide vane opening deviation is too large, which means that the fan with small opening falls into the surge zone for operation.

  2. The system resistance is too large due to dust accumulation in the flue and air duct or insufficient opening of the flue and air duct baffle.

  3. The fan operates at low load for a long time.

  Treatment method:

  The general treatment principle is to adjust the load, and the load of parallel running fans should be similar, and then find out the possible causes according to the above, and then deal with them accordingly.

  1. Phenomenon: the current decreases and swings frequently, and the outlet wind pressure drops and swings. Abnormal fan sound, high noise and vibration, increased casing temperature and surge vibration of induced draft fan make furnace negative pressure fluctuate and combustion unstable.

  2. Cause: the system resistance is too large due to dust accumulation in the flue and air duct or insufficient opening of the flue and air duct baffle.; When the two fans are running in parallel, the guide vane opening deviation is too large, which means that the fan with small opening falls into the surge zone for operation (we often encounter the situation that the connecting rod of the fan guide vane actuator disengages when lifting and lowering the load, which causes large deviation due to the asynchronous adjustment of the two fan guide vanes); The fan operates under low output for a long time.

  3. Treatment method: adjust the load, turn down the guide vane opening of the high output fan to make the fan output similar, reduce the change rate of the load, strengthen the wind pressure detection and information feedback control of the air inlet section and the air outlet section, and then find out the possible causes mentioned above before making corresponding treatment.

  Phenomenon, cause and treatment of fan surge?


  1. Make the flow of pump or fan constant greater than QK. If the required flow in the system is less than QK, a recirculation pipe or an automatic discharge valve can be installed to make the discharge flow of the fan constant greater than qk;

  2. If the pipeline performance curve does not pass through the coordinate origin, changing the fan speed may also obtain a stable operating condition.

  3. The axial flow fan is adjusted by adjustable blades. When the flow required by the system decreases, the installation angle will be reduced, the performance curve will move down, the critical point will move to the left and down, and the output flow will decrease accordingly.

  4. The most fundamental measure is to try to avoid using the fan with hump shaped performance curve, and use the fan with straight and downward inclined performance curve.

  Judgment method of fan surge

  1. listen

  Under the normal working condition of stable operation, the noise of the ventilator is low and continuous. When approaching the surge condition, because the whole system produces periodic oscillation of the air flow, the noise emitted by the air flow in the outlet pipe is also high and low, and has periodic changes. When entering the surge condition, the noise immediately increases greatly, and even there is a popping sound.

  2. look

  Observe the pressure and flow at the fan outlet. When the fan operates under stable working conditions, its outlet pressure and inlet flow change little and regularly, and the measured data swing around the average value, with a small range of change; When approaching the surge condition, both of them change greatly.

  Observe the vibration of engine block and bearing. When approaching the surge condition, the fan bearing pedestal will have strong vibration, and the outlet pipe will also have strong vibration.

  2. Methods to prevent surge

  1. when selecting the fan, its performance shall be within the high efficiency zone.

  Do not artificially increase the type selection coefficient, so that the actual flow of the fan in actual operation is much higher than the design flow. If a large amount of throttling is adopted, it is easy to adjust the fan to the surge area.

  Therefore, in the fan design and type selection, it is necessary to avoid the operating range approaching the surge area. For example, in the selection of circulating fluidized bed fan, the general design institute gives two parameter points TB and BMCR. TB is the boiler high load point, BMCR point is the design operation point, and the performance of TB point is 15% ~ 30% of BMCR point. Both of them must be considered in model selection, so that the fan can not only enter the stable working condition area at BMCR point, but also reach TB point.

  After mastering these, we can make the BMCR point operate in the high-efficiency area. We should locate the TB point in the low-efficiency area, because the fan generally does not operate at this point. Therefore, it is particularly important to master and understand the characteristics of surge.

  2. in case of surge of the fan during system operation, the working condition range can be adjusted by changing the fan speed.

  The centrifugal fan can change the impeller diameter, and the axial fan can change the installation angle of the moving blade. These methods can make the performance curve of the fan move to the small flow area. At this time, the critical boundary of surge will move to the small flow area accordingly, which can also expand the range of stable working conditions of the fan.

  3. since some workplaces do not have the above adjustment conditions, and the production can not be affected by shutdown, there is another simple and fast adjustment method to eliminate surge, which is to add a vent valve.

  So that q=q release +q surge >qmin, surge can be eliminated immediately. However, it must be pointed out that the gas put into the atmosphere should be harmless. If it is harmful, it must be introduced into the fan inlet pipe through a small pipe. The disadvantage of this method is that a part of the momentum obtained through the impeller will be released for nothing, thus reducing the overall efficiency of the fan. However, because of its simple and convenient method, it is widely used in fan regulation.

  4. two valve operation method.

  Two valves are set on the exhaust pipe of the fan, and the volume between the two valves is fixed to a certain value. The volume between the two valves is equivalent to an air tank. The * valve is directly installed near the fan outlet, which is equivalent to a throttle valve. A little throttling can prevent surge; The second valve acts only as a resistance. Practice has proved that this device can not only achieve the stable operation of the system, but also be very beneficial to reducing noise.

  5. anti surge ring.

  At present, it has become a general trend to add anti vibration ring to the main air duct in the fan equipment for subway or tunnel. This kind of guide vane can flow back to the blade in reverse direction along the guide vane instead of generating unstable airflow mass through the blade passage when the airflow is rotated and separated. The disadvantage is that in this case, part of the air flow has done useless work, but it can expand the stable working condition range of the fan and narrow the surge area!

  Surge refers to periodic air outlet and backflow of the fan. Relatively speaking, axial flow fans are more prone to surge, and serious surge will lead to fatigue damage of fan blades.

  Surge of fan:

  (1) The fan has abnormal sound, high noise and vibration, the casing temperature rises, and the surge of induced draft fan and forced draft fan makes the furnace negative pressure fluctuate and combustion unstable.

  (2) The current decreases and swings frequently, and the outlet wind pressure drops and swings.

  Common causes:

  (1) When the two fans operate in parallel, the guide vane opening deviation is too large, which means that the fan with small opening falls into the surge zone for operation.

  (2) The system resistance is too large due to dust accumulation in the flue and air duct or insufficient opening of the flue and air duct baffle.

  (3) The fan operates at low load for a long time. Treatment principle: generally, the load of the fans for load adjustment and parallel operation shall be similar, and then the possible causes mentioned above shall be found out, and then the corresponding treatment shall be carried out.


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