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  • 作者:超级管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-07-08
  • 点击:3058





  清理河道垃圾是开展河道生态治理的前提,有利于后期的加深河道,利于排水、泄洪,净化水质,而且河道的垃圾与淤泥比较肥沃,可以作为沿岸人工植被的栽培土壤。不过,河底的淤泥的形成是由于上游地区过度开垦及地质因素造成,河道清淤也可能破坏河底水生动植物的生存环境。. 河道淤积己日益影响到防洪、排涝、灌溉、供水、通航等各项功能的正常发挥,为恢复河道正常功能,促进经济社会的快速持续发展,进行河道清淤疏浚工程。. 使河道通过治理变深、变宽,河水变清,群众的生产条件和居住环境得到明显改善,达到“水清,河畅,岸绿,景美”的目标。







  Garbage everywhere is one of the sources of river pollution. After the river is polluted, it usually turns black and smelly, or algae outbreak, water bloom and other phenomena, especially in the summer with high temperature, which is the vigorous period of aquatic plant growth. In order to eliminate the impact of aquatic plants on the river water environment and improve the quality of river cleaning. If the flooded aquatic plants are not salvaged and cleared in time, the river will be able to breathe freely. It will seriously affect the daily life of nearby residents and affect the urban landscape.

  The purpose of harnessing river pollution is to protect the environment. The construction of river harnessing is an important link in the construction of modern ecological city. Its significance is to build a water ecosystem with good circulation function.

  The dumping of garbage and the discharge of sewage have worsened the water quality in the current river channel. Not only the aquatic organisms are continuously reduced, but the river channel is seriously silted, which seriously affects the flood control function. At the same time, large-scale sand mining activities have made the river bank unstable.

  Strengthen the construction of water conservancy infrastructure projects, further improve the system of farmland water conservancy facilities such as flood control, flood drainage and irrigation, start with the treatment of small and medium-sized rivers, improve the supporting facilities for industrial sewage treatment, vigorously carry out sewage treatment and river ecological regulation, and build a water ecosystem with good recycling function.

  Cleaning up river garbage is the premise of carrying out river ecological management, which is conducive to deepening the river in the later stage, drainage, flood discharge, and purification of water quality. Moreover, the garbage and silt in the river are relatively fertile, which can be used as the cultivation soil of coastal artificial vegetation. However, the formation of silt at the bottom of the river is caused by excessive reclamation in the upstream area and geological factors. River dredging may also damage the living environment of aquatic animals and plants at the bottom of the river River siltation has increasingly affected the normal function of flood control, drainage, irrigation, water supply, navigation and other functions. In order to restore the normal function of the river and promote the rapid and sustainable development of economy and society, river dredging works are carried out The river course will be deepened and widened through treatment, and the river water will be clear, so that the production conditions and living environment of the people will be significantly improved, and the goal of "clear water, smooth river, green bank and beautiful scenery" will be achieved.

  In short, cleaning up river garbage is the premise of effectively protecting the river ecological environment!

  Strengthen river regulation:

  Strengthen people's ideas of ecological protection, environmental protection and sustainable development, and lay the foundation for promoting the rapid development and overall progress of social economy.

  To strengthen ecological river regulation, we should constantly innovate technical ideas, strengthen the design of innovative technologies, and take countermeasures to gradually realize the sustainable development of production and economy according to the special problems and technical bottlenecks in the process of governance. We will effectively minimize the harm to the ecological environment and ensure the steady and healthy development of the economy.

  Ruizhe environmental protection undertakes the aeration equipment installation project in the river ecological comprehensive treatment project!

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