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  • 作者:超级管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-06-30
  • 点击:994







  ① 水分子具有极性,所以能吸引其他极性分子,有时甚至能使后者离子化。因此,水是电解质的良好溶剂,是携带营养物质进出机体的主要介质,各种生化变化也大都在体液中进行。

  ② 因水分子具有极性,彼此互相吸引,所以要将水的温度(水分子不规则动能的外部表现)提高一定数值,所要加入的热量多于其他物质在温度升高同样数值时所需的热量。这点对生物的生存是有意义的。正因水的比热大,生物体内化学变化放出的热便不致使体温骤升超过上限,而外界温度下降时也不会使体温骤降以至低于下限。水分蒸发所需的热量更大,因此植物的蒸腾作用和恒温动物的发汗或喘气,就成为高温环境中机体散热的主要措施。

  ③ 水分子的内聚力大,因此水也表现出很高的表面张力:地下水能借毛细管作用沿土壤颗粒间隙上升;经根吸入的水分在蒸腾作用的带动下能沿树干导管升至顶端,可高达几十米;一些小昆虫甚至能在水面上行走。

  ④ 水还能传导机械力:植物借膨压变化开合气孔或舒缩花器和叶片;水母和乌贼靠喷水前进;蠕虫的体液实际是一种液压骨骼,躯干肌肉施力其上而向前蠕行。

  ⑤ 水的透明度是水中绿色植物生存的必要条件。

  ⑥ 冰的比重小于液态水,因此在水面结成冰层时水生生物仍可在下面生活。否则气温低于 0℃时,结成的冰沉积底部,便影响水生生物的生存。








  水生动物的呼吸器官经常暴露在高渗或低渗水体中,会丢失或吸收水分;陆地动物排泄含氮废物时也总要伴随一定的水分丢失;而恒温动物在高温环境中主要靠蒸发散热来保持恒温,这些都要通过水代谢来调节。水生动物 大多数无脊椎动物的体液渗透势随环境水体而变,只是具体离子的浓度有所差异。其他水生动物特别是鱼类,其体液渗透势不随环境变化。海生软骨鱼血液中的盐分并无特殊,但却保留较高浓度的尿素,因而维持着略高于海水的渗透势。它们既要通过肾保留尿素,又要通过肾和直肠腺排出多余的盐分。但因为渗透势较海水略高,所以不存在失水的问题。海生硬骨鱼体内盐分及渗透势均低于海水。其体表特别是鳃,透水也透离子,一方面是渗透失水,一方面离子也会进入。海生硬骨鱼大量饮海水,然后借鳃膜上的氯细胞将氯及钠离子排出。淡水软骨鱼的体液渗透势高于环境,其体表透水性极小,但不断有水经鳃流入。它靠肾脏排出大量低浓度尿液,并经鳃主动摄入盐分,来维持体液的相对高渗。某些溯河鱼和逆河鱼出入于海水和淡水之间,其鳃部能随环境的变动由主动地摄入变为主动地排出离子,或反之。

  陆生动物 具有湿润皮肤的动物(如蚯蚓、蛞蝓和蛙类)经常生活于潮湿环境,当暴露于干燥空气时会经皮肤迅速失水。在陆地上*兴旺的动物应属节肢动物中的昆虫、蜘蛛、多足纲和脊椎动物中的爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类。昆虫、蜘蛛的几丁质外皮上覆有蜡质,可防蒸发失水,含有尿酸的尿液排至直肠后水分又被吸回体内,尿酸以结晶状态排出体外。它们在干燥环境中可能无水可饮,食物内含水及食物氧化水便是主要水源。某些陆生昆虫甚至能直接自空气中吸取水分。很多爬行动物栖居干旱地区,它们的外皮虽然干燥并覆有鳞片,但经皮蒸发失水的数量仍远多于呼吸道的失水。它们主要靠行为来摄水和节水,例如栖居于潮湿地区,包括荒漠地区的地下洞穴。爬行类和鸟类均以尿酸形式排出含氮废物,尿酸难溶,排出时需尿液极少,从而减少失水。鸟和哺乳类因恒温调节需要更多的水分供应。除某些哺乳动物为降温而排汗外,鸟和哺乳类的失水主要通过呼吸道。某些动物的鼻腔长,呼气时水分再度凝结在温度较低的外端的鼻腔壁上。它们也主要靠行为来节水,这包括躲避炎热环境。

  生物体内的水分平衡取决于摄入量和排出量之比。生物受水分收支波动的影响还与体内水存储量有关;同样的收支差额对存储量不同的生物影响不同:存储量较大的受影响较小,反之则较大。对水生生物来说,水介质的盐度与体液浓度之比,决定水分进出体表的自然趋向。如果生物主动地逆浓度梯度摄入或排出水分,就要消耗能量,而且需要特殊的吸收或排泌机制。对陆地生物来说,空气的相对湿度决定蒸发的趋势,但液体排泌大都是主动过程。大多数生物的体表不全透水,特别是高等生物,大部分体表透水程度很差,只保留几个特殊部分作通道。在植物,地下根吸水,叶面气孔则是蒸腾失水的主要部位,它的开合可调节植物体内的水量。在较高等动物,饮水是受神经系统控制的意识行为,水与食物同经消化道进入体内,水和废物主要经泌尿系统排出。生物体的某些水通道也是其他营养物质出入的途径,例如光合作用所需 CO2也经叶面气孔摄入。因此光合作用常伴有失水。相比之下,陆地动物呼吸道较长,进出气往复运动,这使一部分水汽重复凝集于管道内。不过水生动物的鳃却经常暴露在水中,在高渗海水中倾向失水,在淡水中则摄入大量水分。


  1 两岸造树林河岸上应尽可能留出空间,种植树冠较大的树木,逐步形成林带,地面则栽上草坪,贴岸的树冠还可以伸向河道上空。其作用之一,可以增强生态功能,大树扎在土壤时深而密的根须与草坪形成一个土壤生物体系。其作用之二,可以发挥景观作用,岸边的林带草坪,与河道组合,可以有效地改善这一地区的温度、湿度与舒适度,形成一道独特的风景线。

  2 河坡植草坪(或灌木)传统的做法往往忽视生态,把河坡搞成直立式,或用块石和水泥板覆盖河坡并勾缝,其实,在不知不觉中已经破坏了生物的生长环境。从修复水生态系统出发,有条件的河坡都应植上草坪或灌木。护坡上的草坪和灌木所起的作用很大:一是草坪和灌木与土壤形成的土壤生物体系,同样可以像两岸的树林与草坪一样,起到减少**物对河道、湖泊的冲击和营养化程度的作用,有些灌木的根须还能够直接伸到水体中吸收水中的营养成分;二是河坡是水域向陆域的自然过渡带,草坪和灌木与土壤的结合,改善了温度、湿度,提供了食物;三是在稳定边坡,防止水土流失的同时,改变了护坡硬、直、光的形象,给人们以绿色、柔和、多彩的享受。

  3 墙上攀绿藤城市化地区的部分河道,由于整个地区水面积的严重不足,为了确保水安全,提高河道汛期的蓄水量,不得已加高加固了防汛墙。弥补的办法是,在墙的陆域一侧种植绿色的爬藤植物,从下爬到上,到了顶以后从上爬到下,一直到水面;有条件的地区,在防汛墙的两面墙上,可依墙分层而建一些条式和点式的花坛,种上灌木或花草;硬质结构的直立或斜坡式护坡,宜种植一些垂枝灌木。

  4 水边栽植物。水边是水生态系统里一个非常重要的组成部分,要尽可能构建挺水植物多样性的环境。在种植方法上,一般可以直接栽在河边的滩地上、斜坡上,也可栽在盆、缸及竹木框之类的容器做成的定床上;直立式防汛墙的下面,在不影响河道断面的基础上,利用河底淤泥在墙边构筑一定宽度,并有斜坡的湿地带,创造挺水植物生长的条件。

  5 水流多样化新的河道治理理念,要求在基本满足行洪需求的基础上,宜宽则宽、宜弯则弯、宜深则深、宜浅则浅,形成河道的多形态,水流的多样性。其作用有两条:一是水流的多样性,能够满足不同生物在不同阶段对水流的需要;二是河道的多形态、水流的多样性本身是水系景观的一个重要组成部分。

  6 水中建湿地河流、湖泊中的湿地,是修复水生态系统的一项重要手段,也可以称土壤生物工程,国内外有些中、小城市甚至用来处理城市的生活污水。河道与湖泊的治理中,在基本不影响行洪和槽蓄功能的前提下,应尽可能保留和建设一些湿地,一切都要因地制宜。另外,湿地也是水景观中不可多得的重要一笔,它充满了野趣、野味和自然气息,是人们回归自然的一种象征。

  7 水面养萍草水面上的植物有两种,一种是根在水里的浮水植物,它们是水葫芦、水葫狸等;另一种是根在河、湖底泥里的浮叶植物,它们是荷花、水鳖等。

  8 水下种水草实践证明,水草茂盛的水体,往往水质很好,而且与众不同的是清澈见底。人工种植水草,也是修复河道、湖泊水生态系统的重要一环。

  9 水里养鱼虾在放养鱼虾时,要注意食草性、食杂性、食肉性之间的搭配。鱼虾在的水里自由洄游,在水面泛起阵阵涟漪,使河道、湖泊显得生机蓬勃。

  10 水底爬螺蚌螺蚌等贝壳类动物和大量的底栖动物,在水底形成了另一个世界,它们是名副其实的水底清道夫,其作用不可小看。

  11 曝氧放细菌人们肉眼看不到的细菌、真菌、放线菌、土壤原生动物等生物种群的生存和繁衍,无时不刻地将水中的**物质分解成无机物质和水,它们需要充足的氧气,所以,应尽量用各种方法和手段进行曝氧,通过增加水体中氧气的方法来促使好氧细菌的生长繁殖,以达到增强和加快分解水中**污染物的目的。

  12 管理经常化修复水生态系统,就是要通过人的努力,连接河道、湖泊中产生者-消费者-还原者的生物链,并积极地、经常不断地进行必要的干预,促使其达到平衡。




  Aquatic ecology refers to the influence of environmental water factors on organisms and the adaptation of organisms to various water conditions. Life originates from water, and water is an important component of all living things. Organisms constantly exchange water with the environment. The quality (salinity) and quantity of water in the environment are important factors that determine the distribution of organisms, the composition and quantity of species, and the way of life.

  What is aquatic ecology

  The influence of environmental water factors on organisms and the adaptation of organisms to various water conditions. Life originates from water, and water is an important component of all living things. Sufficient water must be kept in the organism: the smooth progress of biochemical process should be ensured at the cell level, and the normal operation of material circulation in the body should be ensured at the overall level. Organisms constantly exchange water with the environment. The quality (salinity) and quantity of water in the environment are important factors that determine the distribution of organisms, the composition and quantity of species, and the way of life. The emergence of organisms has brought about great changes in the earth's water cycle. The soil and its humus hold a large amount of water, and transpiration sends the water within the range of roots directly back to the air, which greatly reduces the runoff back to the lake and sea. This makes most of the water confined to a small area, thus changing the climate and reducing soil erosion. Therefore, not only agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other fields pay attention to the study of water ecology, but also from the perspective of human environment, water ecology is increasingly receiving more and more attention.

  Solar radiation and the existence of liquid water are two important conditions for the emergence of life on earth. Water is important, first of all, because it is a necessary component of life tissue; Water molecules are directly involved in both respiration and photosynthesis; Proteins, ribonucleic acids, polysaccharides and fats are macromolecules formed by dehydration and polymerization of small molecules, which combine with water molecules to form colloidal macromolecules. Corresponding water (hydrolysis) must also be added during decomposition.

  Secondly, water has some physical and chemical characteristics that are important to life activities:

  ① Water molecules have polarity, so they can attract other polar molecules, and sometimes even ionize the latter. Therefore, water is a good solvent for electrolytes and the main medium to carry nutrients into and out of the body. Various biochemical changes are mostly carried out in body fluids.

  ② Because water molecules are polar and attract each other, it is necessary to increase the temperature of water (the external expression of the irregular kinetic energy of water molecules) by a certain value, and the heat to be added is more than that of other substances when the temperature rises by the same value. This is significant for the survival of living things. Because of the large specific heat of water, the heat released by the chemical changes in the organism will not cause the body temperature to rise above the upper limit, and the temperature will not drop below the lower limit when the external temperature drops. Water evaporation requires more heat. Therefore, transpiration of plants and sweating or panting of thermostatic animals have become the main measures of body heat dissipation in high-temperature environment.

  ③ The cohesion of water molecules is large, so water also shows high surface tension: groundwater can rise along the gap of soil particles by capillary action; Driven by transpiration, the water absorbed through the root can rise to the top along the trunk duct, which can be as high as tens of meters; Some small insects can even walk on the water.

  ④ Water can also transmit mechanical force: plants open and close stomata or stretch flower organs and leaves by changing turgor pressure; Jellyfish and squid advance by spraying water; The body fluid of the worm is actually a kind of hydraulic bone, and the trunk muscle exerts force on it and crawls forward.

  ⑤ The transparency of water is a necessary condition for the survival of green plants in water.

  ⑥ The specific gravity of ice is less than that of liquid water, so aquatic organisms can still live below when ice forms on the water surface. Otherwise, when the temperature is lower than 0 ℃, the bottom of the ice deposit will affect the survival of aquatic organisms.

  The amount of precipitation has a greater impact on fixed plants. Regional precipitation and irrigation conditions are often the key factors to determine crop yield. Plants that have been under relatively stable water conditions for a long time, such as submerged plants in lakes or xerophytes in deserts, show a highly specialized adaptive structure.

  There is about 1.5 billion cubic kilometers of water on the earth's surface, 97% of which is sea water. The sea area is nearly two and a half times the land area. The distribution of water on the land is very uneven, the rainfall varies widely in many areas, and the local temperature also affects the use of water. If the temperature is too high, the evaporation and transpiration of water may be greater than the rainfall, resulting in drought; If the temperature is too low, the soil moisture will freeze and the plants will not absorb it, which will also lead to physiological drought. If the mineral concentration in the water is too high (hypertonic solution), the plants can not absorb it, and even the plant body fluid will be absorbed back, which will also form physiological drought. Oxygen, light and general nutrients in seawater are poorer than those in land, which are the main factors determining the distribution of marine organisms. However, when organisms evolve to land, water has become the main ecological factor affecting the distribution of organisms. The rainfall decreases gradually from forest to grassland to desert, and the living things are becoming scarce.

  Plant water ecology

  The drought resistance of plants includes two levels:

  ① Drought avoidance: at the overall level, plants can avoid the threat of protoplasm by increasing water absorption, strengthening water transmission or storage and reducing water loss.

  ② Drought tolerance: plant cell protoplasm itself can tolerate water loss. Generally speaking, higher plants mainly rely on drought avoidance, while many lower plants show high drought tolerance. According to the drought resistance at the cellular level, prokaryotes and plants can be divided into two categories: one category includes bacteria, cyanobacteria, lichens, lower green algae and fungi, all of which have small cells lacking central vacuoles. When the outside world is dry, the cell dehydrates and shrinks, and the life process slows down, but the cell microstructure is not destroyed. Once the cell absorbs water, it can restore its metabolic activity. They are more tolerant to drought. The other includes other plants. Their cells have a large central vacuole to ensure a relatively stable water content of protoplasm. However, the cells themselves are not resistant to drought. Therefore, the constant water plants that first evolved to land can only survive in moist soil. Only when the plant develops a huge root system, water-proof cuticle and openable stomata can the cells in the plant use these overall level mechanisms to maintain a stable water content without being affected by sudden changes in external humidity. In arid areas, plants have small leaf area and developed cutin. Some plants have few and deep stomata, so the water loss is greatly reduced. Cactus leaves even turn into thorns, and photosynthesis is completed by green fleshy stems. Other xerophytes have exceptionally developed roots, many stomata and fast transpiration. High-speed transpiration helps to reduce leaf temperature and strengthen the power of deep roots to absorb water in the hot sun. According to the adaptation of plants to water, plants are generally divided into four types: aquatic plants, hygrophytes, mesophytes and xerophytes.

  Aquatic ecology of animals

  The respiratory organs of aquatic animals are often exposed to high or low permeability water bodies, which will lose or absorb water; The excretion of nitrogen-containing wastes by terrestrial animals is always accompanied by a certain loss of water; Thermostatic animals mainly rely on evaporation and heat dissipation to maintain constant temperature in high-temperature environment, which should be regulated by water metabolism. The osmotic potential of most aquatic animals and invertebrates varies with the environmental water body, but the concentration of specific ions is different. The osmotic potential of other aquatic animals, especially fish, does not change with the environment. There is no special salt in the blood of marine cartilaginous fish, but it retains a higher concentration of urea, thus maintaining a slightly higher osmotic potential than that of seawater. They not only retain urea through the kidney, but also excrete excess salt through the kidney and rectal glands. However, since the seepage potential is slightly higher than that of seawater, there is no water loss problem. The salt content and osmotic potential of marine bony fish were lower than that of seawater. Its body surface, especially gills, is permeable to water and ions. On the one hand, it is permeable to water, and on the other hand, ions will enter. The marine bony fish drink a lot of seawater, and then use the chlorine cells on the gill membrane to discharge chlorine and sodium ions. The osmotic potential of freshwater cartilaginous fish is higher than that of the environment, and the water permeability of its body surface is very small, but water is constantly flowing through the gills. It relies on the kidney to excrete a large amount of low concentration urine, and takes in salt actively through the gill to maintain the relative hypertonic of body fluid. Some anadromous and anadromous fishes enter and leave between seawater and freshwater, and their gills can change from active intake to active discharge of ions with the change of environment, or vice versa.

  Terrestrial animals animals with moist skin (such as earthworms, slugs and frogs) often live in humid environment. When exposed to dry air, they will quickly lose water through the skin. The most prosperous animals on land should belong to insects, spiders, polypods in arthropods and reptiles, birds and mammals in vertebrates. The chitin skin of insects and spiders is covered with wax, which can prevent evaporation and water loss. After the urine containing uric acid is discharged into the rectum, the water is absorbed back into the body, and the uric acid is discharged out of the body in a crystalline state. They may have no water to drink in a dry environment, and the water contained in food and the oxidized water of food are the main water sources. Some terrestrial insects can even draw water directly from the air. Many reptiles live in arid areas. Although their skin is dry and covered with scales, the amount of water loss through skin evaporation is still far more than that of respiratory tract. They take water and save water mainly by behavior, such as living in underground caves in humid areas, including desert areas. Reptiles and birds discharge nitrogen-containing wastes in the form of uric acid, which is difficult to dissolve and requires very little urine during discharge, so as to reduce water loss. Birds and mammals need more water supply due to thermostatic regulation. Except that some mammals sweat for cooling, the loss of water in birds and mammals is mainly through the respiratory tract. In some animals, the nasal cavity is long. When exhaling, water condenses again on the nasal wall at the outer end of the lower temperature. They also save water mainly by behavior, including avoiding the hot environment.

  The water balance in an organism depends on the ratio of intake to output. The influence of water budget fluctuation on organism is also related to water storage in vivo; The same balance of payments has different effects on organisms with different storage capacity: those with larger storage capacity are less affected, and vice versa. For aquatic organisms, the ratio of salinity of water medium to body fluid concentration determines the natural trend of water entering and leaving the body surface. If organisms actively ingest or expel water against the concentration gradient, they will consume energy and need special absorption or excretion mechanisms. For terrestrial organisms, the relative humidity of air determines the trend of evaporation, but liquid excretion is mostly an active process. The body surface of most organisms is impervious, especially for higher organisms. Most of the body surface is poorly permeable, and only a few special parts are reserved as channels. In plants, the underground root absorbs water, and the leaf stoma is the main part of transpiration water loss. Its opening and closing can regulate the water content in plants. In higher animals, drinking water is a conscious behavior controlled by the nervous system. Water and food enter the body through the digestive tract, and water and waste are mainly discharged through the urinary system. Some water channels of organisms are also the way for other nutrients to enter and leave. For example, CO2 required for photosynthesis is also absorbed through leaf stomata. Therefore, photosynthesis is often accompanied by water loss. In contrast, the respiratory tract of terrestrial animals is long, and the air in and out moves back and forth, which makes part of the water vapor repeatedly agglutinate in the pipeline. However, the gills of aquatic animals are often exposed to water, tend to lose water in hypertonic seawater, and absorb a large amount of water in fresh water.

  Water ecological restoration technology

  1. Create trees on both banks. As far as possible, space should be reserved on the bank to plant trees with large crowns to gradually form a forest belt. The ground should be planted with lawns. The crowns close to the bank can also extend over the river. One of its functions is to enhance the ecological function. When the big tree is rooted in the soil, the deep and dense roots form a soil biological system with the lawn. Second, it can play the role of landscape. The Forest Lawn along the bank, combined with the river, can effectively improve the temperature, humidity and comfort of this area, forming a unique landscape.

  2 the traditional practice of planting lawns (or shrubs) on the river slope often ignores the ecology, making the river slope vertical, or covering the river slope with stones and cement boards and pointing the joints. In fact, it has unconsciously damaged the biological growth environment. Starting from the restoration of water ecosystem, lawns or shrubs should be planted on river slopes where conditions permit. Lawns and shrubs on the slope protection play a great role: first, the soil biological system formed by lawns, shrubs and soil can also reduce the impact of organic matter on rivers and lakes and the degree of eutrophication like the trees and lawns on both banks. The roots of some shrubs can also directly extend into the water body to absorb nutrients in the water; Second, the river slope is a natural transition zone from water area to land area. The combination of lawn, shrub and soil improves the temperature, humidity and provides food; Third, while stabilizing the slope and preventing water and soil loss, it has changed the image of hard, straight and light slope protection, giving people green, soft and colorful enjoyment.

  3. Due to the serious shortage of water area in the whole area, in order to ensure water safety and improve the water storage capacity of the river in the flood season, the flood control wall has to be raised and reinforced. The remedy is to plant green climbing rattan plants on the land side of the wall, climbing from bottom to top, and then climbing from top to bottom until reaching the water surface; In areas where conditions permit, on both sides of the flood control wall, some strip and dot flower beds can be built according to the wall layers, and shrubs or flowers and plants can be planted; For vertical or sloping slope protection with hard structure, it is appropriate to plant some vertical shrubs.

  4. Plants planted near the water. Waterside is a very important part of the aquatic ecosystem. It is necessary to build an environment of emergent plant diversity as much as possible. In terms of planting method, it can be planted directly on the beach and slope along the river, or on the fixed bed made of containers such as pots, VATS and bamboo and wood frames; Under the vertical flood control wall, on the basis of not affecting the river section, a wet zone with a certain width and slope is constructed by using the river bottom silt at the side of the wall to create conditions for the growth of emergent plants.

  5. The new river regulation concept of water flow diversification requires that, on the basis of basically meeting the flood discharge demand, the river should be wide, curved, deep and shallow to form a multi form of the river and the diversity of water flow. It has two functions: one is the diversity of water flow, which can meet the needs of different organisms for water flow at different stages; Second, the multi form of river channel and the diversity of water flow are an important part of water system landscape.

  6. Building wetlands in water wetlands in rivers and lakes is an important means to repair the aquatic ecosystem, which can also be called soil bioengineering. Some medium and small cities at home and abroad are even used to treat urban domestic sewage. In the treatment of rivers and lakes, some wetlands should be preserved and constructed as far as possible, and everything should be adapted to local conditions, on the premise that the flood discharge and channel storage functions are basically not affected. In addition, wetland is also a rare and important part of the water landscape. It is full of wild interest, game and natural flavor. It is a symbol of people's return to nature.

  There are two kinds of plants on the water surface, one is floating plants with roots in the water, they are water hyacinth, water hyacinth, etc; The other is floating leaf plants rooted in the mud at the bottom of rivers and lakes. They are lotus, water turtle, etc.

  The practice of planting aquatic plants under water has proved that the water body with lush aquatic plants often has good water quality, and the difference is that it is crystal clear. Artificial planting of aquatic plants is also an important part of restoring the aquatic ecosystem of rivers and lakes.

  9. When raising fish and shrimp in the water, pay attention to the combination of herbivorous, miscellaneous and carnivorous. Fish and shrimps move freely in the water, rippling on the surface of the water, making the rivers and lakes look vibrant.

  Shellfish, such as clams, snails and mussels, and a large number of benthic animals have formed another world under the water. They are truly underwater scavengers, and their role cannot be underestimated.

  11 oxygen exposure bacteria the survival and reproduction of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, soil protozoa and other biological populations invisible to the naked eye constantly decomposes organic substances in water into inorganic substances and water. They need sufficient oxygen. Therefore, various methods and means should be used for oxygen exposure to promote the growth and reproduction of aerobic bacteria by increasing oxygen in water, So as to enhance and accelerate the decomposition of organic pollutants in water.

  The management of regular restoration of aquatic ecosystem is to connect the producer consumer restorer biological chain in rivers and lakes through human efforts, and actively and frequently carry out necessary interventions to promote its balance.

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